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Jermaine Dupri has made many moves in his career. He is the first DV8tor chosen to grace the cover of DV8 Magazine. See who will be our next...

Desmick Perkins

Welcome to the world of DV8tion!!!



The entertainment industry is constantly changing and tends to take a particular direction for a period of time before it redirects itself. The causes of these changes are revolutionary ideas in music and fashion. These two particular facets, we expound on and develop into our own unique style to be taken in by the industry. Once accepted, it has become a directive. DV8 (DEVIATE) Magazine is the new directive for fashion, music and entertainment.

This is a publication that will veer from the straight and narrow among all that is urban. It will represent the diversity that exists in our urban culture through music, fashion, entertainment, and lifestyle topics such as sports and politics.

1744 Alvarado Terrace Atlanta, Georgia 30310
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©2005 DV8 Magazine